
WAZZUP??!! If you haven’t watched Scary Movie yet…what are you waiting for…?


ANYWAY, HELLO!!! It’s been a few days since we’ve last spoken—I hope you’re all doing well and staying cool! My friends and I took the commuter rail down to Rhode Island this past weekend, and it was super hot there! I made a collage of all the photos my friends and I took while we were there:

As my friends and I toured East Providence near Brown University (shout out to the Brown-opoly board), we talked about the upcoming school year. It had been a while since we had gathered as we did, and it reminded us of our first year at Wellesley. That’s when it occurred to me that July is already over, which means that the start of my second year is approaching (quickly)! It’s actually so crazy how swiftly time passes by when you’re not focusing on it too much.

I guess that’s a testament to how much fun I’ve had since last September. That’s not to say I didn’t have bad times either, which leads me into my topic for today: my new (academic) year goals that will facilitate my growth, learning, and self-improvement.

After reflecting on my first year at Wellesley during the summer, especially during my tours as an Admission Student Intern (ASI), I’ve been able to distinguish what aspects of my academics I should improve on. I’ve outlined three key aspirations:

First: Mastering Time Management: Balancing Achievement and Well-being

One of my primary objectives for the upcoming academic year is to improve my time management skills. While achieving academic excellence is essential, I’ve come to realize that it shouldn’t come at the expense of my well-being, both physical and mental. When I struggle to manage my time or minimize procrastination, it’s not necessarily because I am bad at managing my time, but rather because I’m exhausted from being overly-productive. Burnout can be a real concern, and that’s why I plan to approach time management with a balanced perspective this time around.

Wellesley has a lot of resources for students to utilize in order to combat burnout and things of the like. The Pforzheimer Learning and Teaching Center (PLTC) offers a variety of support services for students, including peer-tutors. One type of peer-tutor is an Academic Success Coach, which I will be this upcoming year, and ASCs are there to assist other students in focus areas like registration, time management, and study skills. Wellesley also has the Office of Student Wellness that provides student support in all dimensions of wellness. We also have peer health educators at the OSW (I am one of them!) who work to promote health and wellness around campus. One thing I found that seems to help with my stress is physical exercise, so even though I’ve fulfilled my P.E. requirement, I think I’m going to incorporate regular exercise and meditation into my schedule. Wellesley offers group fitness classes throughout the semesters, so you’ll probably catch me in a few next fall. There are also wellness trails around campus (including around Lake Waban) to destress, which are great to go on during finals week.

Second: Delving Deeper into Unfamiliar Subjects

No matter how familiar you are with a course subject, you’ll inevitably come across unfamiliar topics. Something I struggled with during my spring semester was staying motivated when I came across difficult sections of material, especially in my philosophy class. I hadn’t ever taken a philosophy class before, and the material was not very intuitive, so I found myself getting lost. As previously mentioned, I was usually burnt out, so that in combination with severe confusion was a really, really bad combination. I couldn’t keep up with the professor, and I always ended up understanding a specific chapter’s material as we would get started with the following chapter.

I absolutely refuse to make that same mistake again: this academic year, I am committed to undertaking deeper dives into novel topics, ideas, concepts, etc. Instead of feeling stupid or giving up before I even try, I’m going to try to adopt a growth mindset (cheesy 🧀) and view challenges as opportunities for development rather than obstacles. Attending office hours is probably the best way to gain clarification since you’re directly speaking to your professor, so I’ll have to get better at attending office hours. Teaching assistants (TAs) also have office hours, so if I miss a professor’s, I have the TAs as a back-up!

Another strategy I have in mind is taking note of what the professor mentions that I’m not too sure about and researching those things as I study. It’s simple, but I was so unmotivated last year that I found it difficult to do. However, I found that studying with friends gave me motivation, so I intend on creating regular study groups and engaging in discussions both in and out of class. Not only will this motivate me to actually study, but it will also allow me to gain better insights into complex concepts. Embracing curiosity and asking questions will be my guiding principles this upcoming year!

Third: Becoming an Active Listener: Maximizing Classroom Engagement

My last objective is becoming an active listener. Active listening plays a crucial role in deeper understanding and better retention of information. I found myself zoning out in classes, especially when I was sleepy, and not paying close attention to what the professor was saying. This following year,  I’m determined to sharpen my listening skills during class periods to avoid my previous classroom experiences.

To achieve this goal, which is probably the hardest for me to do, I’ll have to take a lot of precautionary measures. Before I even enter the classroom for the lecture, I think it’ll be best if I review the material that will be discussed in class and determine what parts of the material I am confident in and what parts I am less sure about. That way, I can hone in on what I need to focus on and ask strategic, specific questions throughout the class period. Another important thing is to eliminate distractions during lectures. Having my phone and unrestricted access to the internet made it difficult for me to focus, even if I wasn’t even doing anything. My mind wandered, and I would end up missing a solid chunk of the material being covered. Taking strategic notes will also keep my mind focused and improve my listening skills.

I am excited to embark on this journey of personal and academic growth. I understand that accomplishing these goals will require dedication and perseverance, but I am determined to work on myself because it’ll be worth it! The pain now is an investment in my happiness and comfort in the future. Embracing challenges, staying open to new experiences, and seeking support when needed will undoubtedly lead me towards achieving my academic aspirations and becoming a more well-rounded individual. Here’s to a year of growth, learning, and accomplishments!

Best of luck to you all on your goals and journeys too!


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