Bye Bye Break!

Spring Break was lovely! I spent the week exploring Boston with my family. I took them to the Museum of Science and we watched an Imax film about America’s National Park system. It was awe inspiring. In my wanderlust to see the world, I often forget how much I have yet to see here at home in the US. Seeing the National Parks (at least some of them) is something I’ve been thinking about recently. And after seeing the Imax film, this definitely moved up on the ‘to do list,’ especially because our world and our environment is now rapidly  changing.

Over break I started reading Oil and Honey by Bill McKibben, the story of an environmental advocate and a beekeeper: two men each trying to do something good for their planet. It has made me think a lot about the future of the earth and the many ways individuals can do their part to help protect mother nature.

On an unrelated note, I forgot to share with you all a photo that was posted as the Wellesley College Daily Shot last week of some of the track team attending an Athlete Alumnae dinner.

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Wellesley Track and Field… On track to take care of business;)

The dinner was hosted by SAAC (Student Athlete Advisory Committee). And Wellesley Athletics Alum came from all over the greater Boston area to have dinner with us and share their post college experiences. I had a great time and actually ended up meeting the woman who created the East Asian Studies Major here! Super cool:)

The coming weeks are looking busy. I have a Bio midterm next week and a lab practicum the week after. Gotta go get some studying in;)



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