Day trip to another City!

I mean, its not enough that I’m arguably in one of the largest, most historical, culturally rich cities in the entire world, right? 😉 Haha, nope!

This Saturday, I took a day trip to Tianjin (a city about 30 minutes east of Beijing by high speed rail) with a friend. We hopped on the 高铁 (high speed train) at 8:30 for an early start to our adventure. And, to make a long story short, we ended up in first class because of confusion with our original tickets. So I rode my first (hopefully of many more to come;) ) First-Class transport in China. Kinda cool;)


Here we are cheesin’ for first class!


Complimentary tea and an article about APEC (that I could actually read!)

My friend is a Naval Academy student who studied in Tianjin over the summer. So he wanted to return to see all his old haunts. I got to see his school and then we ate a delicious breakfast of street food on the street near his dorm where he used to eat his breakfasts before class.


煎饼果子 – best street food I’ve ever had

We walked around a beautiful park.


Then we met up with a couple of his teachers for lunch.

After that we went to the top of 津塔 (The Tianjin Tower), which is a hug Tower overlooking the city.




Then we toodled around the “Italian District,” a cute little touristy area full of European style restaurants.

When we were done kickin’ around there, we hopped in a cab to go see 天津之眼 (The Tianjin Eye), a huge ferris wheel overlooking the water.


And we finished our night with a fancy Sushi restaurant before booking it back to Beijing just in time to catch the subway back to our dorm!


When in China… eat sushi;) 开玩笑


On the road again! At 270 plus km per hour!

All in all I had a great day:) I love how easy and fun it is to travel here. China is like no where else in the world, I am convinced of it. How lucky I am to be here! 🙂

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