As I hunker down–knee deep in senior year–I am feeling a deep sense of comfort and knowing that I have never before felt here at Wellesley. I know now is the time that many seniors look to the future and start worrying about what they are going to do with their lives and their educations post graduation. I have some thoughts. But, more importantly, I have decided to make a conscious effort to focus on now. Now is the last year I have at Wellesley, and I want to take everything I can away from it.
One thing I am thinking about in particular, is the passion and camaraderie of the track team. The team has played an integral role in my growth here at Wellesley and, as practices start up again, I am reminded how lucky I am to be part of such a group. On Saturday morning, we all woke up at 7am and had our first early morning workout of the season together. It was a beautiful day! Below is a picture from my Sunday morning run around the lake. That’s Wellesley’s bell tower at 7:30 am!
I would be remiss if I did not credit a few of my courses this semester for helping me reach this place of self-reflection. My engineering class has been an invaluable tool in helping me look beyond my work as an individual and see what can be done when minds come together and pool their resources. I am realizing that whatever I do with my future, I want it to be creative, collaborative work.

This is a picture of our latest sock prototype for Engineering 111. We received feedback from the rowers at Community Rowing, and are now in the process of tweaking our design.
The second “class” is the beekeeping co-curricular that I am attending at Olin. I wake up every Sunday so excited to get to Olin and learn about something incredibly new and foreign to me. And with every passing Sunday, it all makes a little more sense. Olin is a great place, and I’m so happy I have finally taken advantage of its proximity to Wellesley.
If there is one thing that Wellesley has helped me to discover, it’s that immersing yourself in a new culture–be it halfway around the world in China, or right down the street at Olin–is an unrivaled experience in self-reflection and personal growth.