Ramblings Of An Overtired College Student

I just realized we passed the halfway mark for the Fall Semester a week or two ago. How time flies! Major declaration forms are out for Sophomores and Facebook posts have been popping up in my newsfeed announcing all about their declared majors. We actually have until around March to declare (though even after that you can still change it), but I will be declaring soon. This is partly because you have to declare by December if you plan on studying abroad and partly because I feel as sure as I will ever feel about my major. Later today I will meet with the Director of Peace and Justice to discuss my major and study abroad plans. I am both nervous and excited to hear what he thinks about it all. I will update you all as soon as I know more.

In other news, I only just realized how unusual of a week I had last week. I do not usually have too much time to spare, so I haven’t gone to many lectures, but I heard no less than four last week. That is more than the amount I attended in all of last year (which is kind of sad). All of them were for class, and three of them actually happened during class time. It was great to hear about people’s experiences in fields and their live’s work. I even have a meeting set up for tomorrow afternoon with one of the guest speakers for my Peace and Justice Studies class. Her lecture was very interesting and incredibly inspiring. Luckily, she is currently a Newhouse fellow at Wellesley College and was very approachable. I will definitely make more of an effort to attend lectures from now on.

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The weather has been crazy. One day it is too hot for sweaters, the next it is under 30 degrees F. It seems to me that it has been a lot more unpredictable than before, but New England weather is known for being erratic, even being very hot and very cold within the span of thirty minutes. I am hoping it won’t snow too much this coming winter, as it was a little too much for me last year, but the snow also makes it possible for us to go sledding down Severance Green or skiing for the weekend. I also hope the weather will be warm this Saturday, which is Hallows Eve. My friends and I will be taking the night off and letting loose. We will likely go to a party at MIT, so nice weather would be perfect. I don’t usually do elaborate costumes, and I likely will continue my face make-up trend this year. I will post pictures soon.

My costume last year. Did that all myself ;)

My costume last year. Did that all myself 😉

I have to head to work now. Until next time~

P.S. For those of you considering Early Decision: I applied ED and I am so glad I did. If you know you want to come to Wellesley, don’t hesitate to apply ED. It feels amazing to hear back before winter break.

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