First Week Back

Hello hello~!

I can’t believe the first week of classes is over. Thank goodness it wasn’t even a full week! We had a GREAT 3-day week thanks to Juno the blizzard.

I really like all my classes! And for that I’m grateful. I love my Horticulture professor, Katie Goodall (I secretly wonder if she’s related to Jane Goodall!) because she’s very caring, empathetic, and invested in making learning fun for us. We use a flipped classroom structure where we watch lectures at home and discuss in class. It’s great! I also love my lab for that class! This past Monday we just planted flowers and vegetables in little pots. And now we’ll wait for them to grow. I love this class. I also love plants, so that helps.

And I love my Econometrics professor! I’d heard good things about him prior to registration, so I selected him in particular. And everything people said was true: he’s rather eccentric and the way he talks and moves makes taking an 8:30 class more bearable. In fact, 3 days a week I have an 8:30 with him, and the other 2 days I have class with Prof. Goodall. I have a good life! Oh, and his name is Patrick McEwan!

I love my Macroeconomics professor, too. I enjoyed Macro last year, too, when it was 102, so I figured I’d enjoy 202. But my professor is also my advisor! So I’m already familiar with him! Professor Joseph Joyce. He cold calls but it’s not in a menacing way, just to keep the class involved and lively, and it works. I love it. And he’s a great teacher. And the best part is, since I’ve been prepping for going into finance this entire school year, I’ve been reading the Wall Street Journal, so I already understand a lot of the things he’s talking about. It’s great. I know what’s currently going on in the real world macro economy. And it’s great. Well, the world isn’t actually looking so good, but it’s great that I know what’s going on. 🙂

And I haven’t actually had my 4th class yet, because it’s an art history seminar on Frida Kahlo and it meets once a week, on Tuesday. We had a snow day this past Tuesday. But! I’ve started reading one of the books required for the course, a biography on FK, and oh my goodness it is so well written and so engaging, I can’t wait to keep reading it! I think this is going to be a great course!

So I’m super excited for everything! And even better, I’ve gone to the climbing gym 4 times this week! I figured I should get my time in while I still have some free time, before schoolwork picks up. I went on Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, and today. Woohoo! And the BEST part is…I’m going again tomorrow! Hahaha. You think I’m crazy. Perhaps I am. But climbing makes me happy, and it’s my outlet, and as long as I can balance it without letting my grades fall, I see no reason why I shouldn’t spend a lot of time on it. But tomorrow – there’s a climbing competition at the gym! And it’s the final round of this season! And 5 famous, professional climbers are coming to compete! I need to get photos with all of them!!!

But anyway, that’s been my week in a nutshell! Awesome classes and awesome climbing. What a life. 🙂

Until next time!


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