It’s So Good To Be Home

Hello hello~!

I am back home in California and it is SO good.

First~ I had some thoughts while I was on the plane ride back and jotted them down. Here they are, in original form:

“And this is why, for me, the window seat vs. aisle seat debate was won long ago. It never even was a debate. Because the feeling of looking down upon the earth, of seeing all the infrastructure and architecture, of seeing the true “big picture” of your country – Google maps doesn’t even come close.

Our earth is beautiful.”

Then later…

“The three people in the row behind me woke me up with their talking. I listened, annoyed at first, scoffing at their talk of bartending and winemaking in upstate New York and how the younger guy’s dream is to one day make an old gentleman’s salon bar, where you get your hair cut and then get a drink. I just think that’s such a waste of energy and such a first world “dream” to have. But I guess it’s not fair of me to be so critical.

And now they’re talking about tattoos and the younger guy is describing all his tattoos to the other two and now I know a lot more about his life than I ever wanted to. He says he loves them so much, each and every one of his tattoos. How it’s “who he is”. I wonder why it is millennials need tattoos to define themselves. There are many articles about this out there already actually. About why it is our generation feels the need to define themselves by getting permanent artwork inked on their bodes. Why it’s no longer enough to define yourself by just being yourself. Why you can’t carry unspoken and unseen attributes and have them be just as strong and speak just as loudly as body art that is shown to the world.”

Then after I napped for a bit…

“I can’t believe I’m actually on the plane going home. Part of the reason for that disbelief is probably because I stayed up until 4am packing, and then was so rushed all of today that I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch, so everything just happened kind of fast (and in that dreamy state that develops when you’re sleep deprived). But part of my disbelief is also because I can distinctly remember feeling, not too long ago, as if this day was so far away. Just a week or two ago, I was so stressed, and my body felt ravaged and exhausted by whatever virus it was fighting at the time – there were a series of them that left me sick, one after another, for many weeks this semester – and I remember telling myself, “Before you know it, you’ll be on that plane going home. Soon enough, Emily.” And now I am. That moment has come and I’m on the plane. And I can’t believe it.”

Then later, after I looked out the window and saw this:



“This is why the window seat vs. aisle seat debate never even was a debate: how often do you get to sit in a chair IN THE SKY and look out a window from ABOVE THE CLOUDS and see for THOUSANDS of miles around from THOUSANDS of miles above the ground. That’s right. Never. Unless you’re in a PLANE. Which is why YOU SHOULD ALWAYS TAKE THE WINDOW SEAT.”

And then this!


“We’re flying above a sea of cotton candy! And under that layer of white, fluffy, prime cotton candy…? MORE cotton candy!!!

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