Katie Morris

Hi Everyone!

Currently listening to “Hit It” by American Authors. Did you know they dropped out of Berklee? Did you know Magic Man dropped out of Berklee too? Did you know Imagine Dragons went to Berklee too (but graduated)? It’s time to make some friends at Berklee. And then wait for them to get famous.

I’M DONE WITH FINALS!!! WahooO! This week has been slightly crazy simply because it’s mostly consisted of only studying, exam-taking, and rock climbing. Like literally, all I did besides studying for and taking finals was rock climbing.

In honor of all the time in my life I dedicate to climbing, this post will be dedicated to climbing as well. And my climbing partner, Katie. Yesterday was my last day of climbing for the year (!) and in a wave of nostalgia I took a lot of photos and videos to remember Metro until I could come back in February.

But before I move on to climbing! Two things. 1) It is SUCH a great feeling to collect all the notes and handouts and study sheets you have for a class after taking the final and THROWING IT ALL AWAY. Recycling of course. But throwing away nonetheless. IT’S A GLORIOUS FEELING.

2) I had the opportunity of sitting down and having lunch with Monica on Tuesday! You know those great moments where two people just click and talk for hours upon meeting each other? This was one such moment. First, I completely botched and forgot about the lunch. Thankfully, I saw her email saying “where are you?” early on and rushed over to lulu (the student center)! We had a 2-hours lunch. It was beautiful. (: I wonder if bloggers are all inherently easy to talk to because we always have so much to say and so many thoughts to share (otherwise we wouldn’t be bloggers)?

Anyway! On to my week of climbing. Here’s Scott, a climbing friend if mine and Katie’s, doing a climb that Katie was struggling on. (He makes it look easy. And always shows us up because he can climb harder problems than us and can easily do the ones we’re struggling on. Haha.)


These next three are of Josh Larson crushing boulder problems that Katie and I more than struggle with. He’s also kind of a professional climber. (In the sense that he’s sponsored by sports brands and has had short films made of him climbing.) Here’s his website.




This is Josh’s friend Mark crushing boulder problems as well. Featuring a couple of random people in the back who are also climbing wicked hard problems.


And here’s a series of photos of Josh climbing a problem.










And Scott again:




And finally–Katie!!


Afterwards we went to Pad Thai Cafe again and sat there talking for over an hour long after we’d finished eating.


Notice how this is the exact same spot I sat in last time we were there haha:


But now, I think I shall get to the main point of my post! Which is that I’m very very grateful to have met Katie this semester. I’m continuously surprised at how short of a time we’ve known each other, because it feels like we know a lot about each other already. Which we do. We know each other’s quirks and habits and operate on a level of in-sync that I haven’t had with anyone else in a long time. We also make for great climbing partners because we climb at about the same difficulty and are both slightly competitive which pushes both of us to be better when we see each other improving. 🙂

Winter break is going to be a sad time. We will commence with full on separation anxiety and friendship withdrawal. Katie is staying here for winter break to take a class at MIT (that’s another thing, she kicks butt and takes a lot of classes at MIT and is majoring in Electrical Engineering!) and I’m going to be backpacking through Thailand (which is a whole other story; I don’t believe I’ve updated you on that yet!).

But Katie, as you read this (she reads my blog), I want you to know that I am very glad we’re friends. It’s not every day you find a kindred spirit who just fits your personality like the two of you are puzzle pieces. It’s been a great couple months of climbing with you.


On a slightly separate note, two of my friends (Hannah–aka Hanzy–and Dasha) are at a Magic Man concert tonight!! So jealous of them. We took a sorority squat photo before they hopped on the 4 bus. (: Hope they’re having a bomb time.



And with that, I’ll sign off! Talk to everyone in a week. Can’t believe Christmas is almost upon us!! :O




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