The Weekend Before Marathon Monday

Happy Marathon Monday!! I can’t wait for the rest of today. 😀

This past weekend was amazing and wicked fun!

On Friday I went on a friend date with my best friend Caitlin and we had lunch at Russell House Tavern in Harvard Square.

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Then we went to MetroRock to prepare for an event I was hosting as Wellesley Outing Club president. The turnout was amazing! It’d originally started as just an idea I had; I envisioned a few people getting together and talking about recent cool trips they’d gone on, because it’s always so inspiring to hear what other people are up to – it makes you want to follow in their footsteps! Not to mention it gives you great ideas for your next adventure.

But that night turned out even better than my wildest expectations! It was phenomenal. I am so grateful to my friends who work at MetroRock who let us use their space, and for the presenters who talked at the conference, and for all the people who showed up to listen! It truly was magical and the energy and camaraderie in the room were amazing.

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I also got to climb a little before the conference started!



And then two of my climbing friends (who have been featured on this blog before:)), Spencer and Erik, spent the night on my floor and I got to show them around Wellesley the next day! Here are some photos of the adventures we had:

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And then on Sunday, Caits and I went to Wellesley’s spring concert! Makkonen (sp?) was our artist and it was fun! I mostly enjoyed getting dressed up and dancing with Caits. (:




And that was my weekend!

Oh also – my mom texted me a string of baby photos on Friday followed by (I kid you not), “Saw your Facebook picture, not your best one.” Hahaha. I’d recently changed my profile picture to this:



And she sent me these hahaha:

17922_1056732357674457_8204242263769396060_n 18120_1056732237674469_6516023348822289026_n 10409366_1056732354341124_9014155722414169193_n 11038475_1056732337674459_3564789056153990396_n 11133838_1056732064341153_5411427730513781024_n 11146242_1056732057674487_5812757750280965672_n 11146480_1056732231007803_5257659879438525675_n 11149555_1056732067674486_6866702832063163632_n 11150419_1056732234341136_7209943167330391081_n 11150978_1056732061007820_7676492845225340012_n 11156235_1056732227674470_3112517283802224776_n


Hahahaha I love my mom. She’s the best.

Anyway, this concludes my post for the week! Can’t wait for the marathon. 🙂

Until next time,



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