Category: Jessica’s Blog


Good morning! This is my last week on campus before heading home for the summer. All of my finals are online this year so I will be heading home this Saturday. As a write this blog among the piles of belongings and half-full boxes, I am feeling especially reflective. Rather than giving you the typical rundown of my week, I…


Happy Thursday blog! Last week was very academically intense for me and I am struggling with burnout- along with the rest of campus. Last week was the last gasp of midterms and campus has officially started mentally preparing for the finals. Knowing that you are so close to the end but not actually being at the end is agonizing and…

Happy Duck Day/Spring/Registration!

Happy belated duck day! Yesterday was the Office of Student Involvement’s annual duck day- one of my most favorite, most random Wellesley traditions. OSI hides little plastic ducks full of candy all over campus for students to find. One of my favorite things about Wellesley is that we have a healthy appreciation for whimsy. I think people appreciate how challenging…

Almost Done with Midterms… I Hope

Good morning!  I assumed that I would have far too much time on my hands after the mock trial season ended, but my last couple of weeks on campus have already filled up. I have every assignment in the world due next week which means a lot of preparation this week. Fingers crossed that this is the last stretch of…

Post-Break Update

Good morning and happy first week back from spring break! It has been a while since I posted so there is a lot of catching up to do.  First off, I have to talk about our mock trial competition the weekend before spring break. So much happened in the days leading up to the competition and at the competition itself…

Post-Regionals Check-In

Happy March! The weather has been… meh as of late. It’s warmish, but also snows occasionally and it bitterly cold at night. The unpredictable weather seems on par for this week though, a complete emotional rollercoaster. The mock trial team competed in regionals over the weekend. I went two rounds with my team and then another two rounds on a…

Big Weekend, Quiet Week

Good morning and happy Thursday! This week, oddly enough, has been pretty relaxing. I should be stressed out of my mind right now between the start of midterms and mock trial regionals, yet I am utterly calm and desensitized to the stress. I’m sure the stress is down deep somewhere. I have been physically bouncing up and down since this…

Still Adjusting

Good morning! I have decided that it is spring now. Winter has simply gone on long enough and I have lost patience with it. I am wearing a blue sundress today to mark our first day over 55 in what seems like forever and have broken out the little white sneakers as well. Will I be freezing? Probably. Will I…

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