Still Adjusting

Good morning! I have decided that it is spring now. Winter has simply gone on long enough and I have lost patience with it. I am wearing a blue sundress today to mark our first day over 55 in what seems like forever and have broken out the little white sneakers as well. Will I be freezing? Probably. Will I reget my outfit choice the moment I step outside? Most certainly. Will knowing any of this stop me from walking to class without a jacket in protest of the seasons? Absolutely not. 

This week has been pretty slow thus far. I found out that I am almost two weeks ahead on readings for one of my classes so that takes a lot off my plate. On top of that, my writing class is working through the revision process for our first essay so I have had almost no readings from that class either save for a couple of essays about the virtue of a thesis statement or well-placed paragraph break. My American Studies class will be meeting at the Davis Museum today to explore their selection of American artwork. This upcoming weekend will be the mock trial team’s last scrimmages before regionals! I am just a little bit terrified for the competition, but no more than is reasonable given how hard we have been working these past months. My team will be going one round Saturday morning and then twice on Monday (which we have off from classes because of President’s Day). In between, I am going to be heading home to visit my aunt. 

For the past week or so, I feel myself struggling to stay focused and happy with my life on campus. Part of it might just be readjusting to new classes and activities, but I think it probably stems a lot from the amount of time I have been spending at home. Last semester, my policy was to never go home but have my family come as often as I needed- which was pretty often since I was so homesick. By never going home, I avoided reliving that first separation over and over again, but I was still able to see my family as often as I needed.  Between family commitments and birthday celebrations though, I have already gone home more times this semester than my entire fall. I don’t regret going home because it was the right thing to do, but I need to work harder to separate my home and college life. It might be time to reevaluate these rules, not just to balance out how much I have been going home but also because I don’t need to run away from college life anymore. Last semester was very difficult for me for several reasons, most of which have improved or just straight up disappeared. I have plenty to do at Wellesley, plenty of people to lean on, and plenty of things that make me feel happy and safe. 

With love, 



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