Category: Courses

A (Pharmaceutical) Tour of Denmark

Well, I didn’t update you all last week, but in my defense I was in Western Denmark. This is a clever term for Americans who know nothing of Denmark’s geography; the Danes would never call it “Western Denmark”. No, I visited Aarhus and Odense, Denmark’s second and third biggest cities respectively. Essentially, we were on a weeklong field trip, “we”…

The Calm Before the (Finals) Storm

Hello again dear readers! I hope you have all enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving holiday and are easing yourselves gently back into work this Monday. For Thanksgiving, I took my beloved Northeast Regional train back home. There was a particularly beautiful sunset along the New England coast that afternoon, made even more poignant by the fact that I was listening to…

Why I Came Here, Why I’ll Stay

I’m ready. I’m ready. I’m soooooo reaaaadyyyyyyy!!! for this weekend. but also to keep fighting the necessary fight. I’m taking a break from the Senior Interview Series this week even though we just got started because 1) I have too many thoughts and emotions to sort through, and so do my interviewees, to focus just on ourselves right now, and…

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