My Last College Class Ever

Hello! Yesterday was my last day of college classes ever!! Holy. So sentimental. πŸ™ I really liked all my classes this semester, so I am actually sincerely sad that they are over. And that I will also never be an undergraduate student again, never take an undergraduate class again… >.<

In my sentimentality, I took pictures with all my professors today (except Professor Liu, with whom I took a picture last week!).

My Behavioral Economics professor, Olga: (on the right is my friend Lotus, who’s also in this class!)


My Translation and the Multilingual World class: (we are so cute and so much fun!)


My Development Economics professor, Kartini:


My Chinese Cinema professor, Mingwei Song:


Oh and last Friday I went to an open mic at East Meets West bookstore! Except it’s less of a bookstore and more of just a community space. And also a lot of the people who run it live upstairs (it’s 3 stories total) haha. And they have open mics, like the one I went to on Friday, but also gallery showings, and other events I think. Kind of started as a space for Asian Americans but expanded to just be a space for marginalized voices to be heard in general.

Pics from East Meets Word’s monthly open mic:


Their community space also doubles as a gallery:


The feature speakers (slam poets?) for the evening! Jess X. Snow and Kit Yan:


The in-house band!


And then I went to the Elm Bank Tree Festival at the Massachusetts Horticultural Society with my adopted grandparents, Jean and Richard! The first two pictures are from a toy train/tiny village exhibit they had adjacent to the trees, too:

(if you look closely, you can see this one is of London! There’s the London Bridge (or is it Tower Bridge?) and Big Ben, and Birmingham Palace, etc.)

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A room full of (blurry) pretty trees! πŸ˜€


And a horse-drawn carriage!

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Jean, Richard, and myself!

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A “Christmas tree” of succulent plants!

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And then just some miscellaneous other pictures from this week πŸ™‚

SCoop dinner!


It snowed again yesterday!


Oh HA here are some terrible Chinese ink brush paintings I did in my Chinese painting class. (It’s an art history class and not a painting class, for the record!)


Even worse bamboo…


Oh and a lovely piano cushion in one of the music rooms I was practicing in this past week! Ha, stumbled upon this (don’t think I’ve used this room before). I love being able to practice piano whenever I want on campus πŸ™‚


Aaaaand that will be it for this week! I’ll write another post next week…and then that will be the end of my time here as a blogger! Wow, really can’t believe it’s gone by so fast.

It’s been a good time though πŸ™‚

Until next week,


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