Category: Current Blogs

Image of Trinity College in Dublin at night with a sunset behind it.

Finals Season: Words of Advice

Hi all, The time has come! All things final exams, papers and projects are upon us in this last three week stretch of the semester. To say I am not feeling the stress would be a total understatement. I am very much feeling it and have been for probably a week now. For this post it seemed fitting to talk…

Two sculptures side by side in a glass case.

Let’s Hear it for New York

On Sunday, I went on a day field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, or the Met, in New York City! This was for my Islamic art history class and so much fun. My day began VERY early at 5:00 am. We took a school bus to the city (not the yellow school bus you’re thinking of), so we…

Image of Anna standing atop a high plateau with a wide view of the surrounding countryside.

Study Abroad Stories

Hi all,  With less than a month remaining of my time abroad, I thought it would be fitting to chat about my experience studying abroad. To preface, I had gone into this time away without much preparation other than what the Office of International Studies requires. I had taken a look at the brochure for Trinity College maybe once or…

Image of an intricate manuscript illustrated and ornately written.

Uneventful Monday

I recently wrote about what a busy day in my life as a Wellesley student looks like; today, I want to do the opposite and write about a fairly uneventful Monday of classes. I woke up early to work on a short paper for my Islamic art history class. Since I live on the east side, I am lucky to…

Image of Trinity College in Dublin at night with a sunset behind it.

Monday Midterm Melancholy

Hi all, Midterm season is upon us! My midterms are looking a bit different this semester than how they have looked at Wellesley for my previous four semesters. For today’s post I thought I could do a bit of a comparison and contrast of the workload, lecture setup, and overall academic experience abroad and at Wellesley thus far! My credentials…

A leaf-strewn path surrounded by vivid autumnal trees.

De-stressing in college…

Hi everyone! I love November—I love seeing the leaves leave the trees, I love the cold weather without the snow, I love the fashion during that season. What I don’t love about the month is that it’s so close to the end of the school year, and yet there is almost exactly a month left of classes. This makes November…

White wall in a corner of the room with various pictures, pennants, articles, and posters stuck to it.

WC (Wellesley College): Welcome to My Crib

Hello Blog, That’s right. It’s dorm tour time. This year, I’m living in a single in Pomeroy (Pom) Hall. This means for the first time in my Wellesley experience I am without my former roomie and dear friend Anabelle </3. It’s all good though, because she has her own single in the next dorm over (Munger) where most of my…

Several bowls of rice-based dishes with various toppings and sides.

When in Wellesley

Today, I want to focus on the fun things students can do in the town of Wellesley. I feel like we spend a lot of time talking about going to Cambridge and Boston on the weekends; thus, I now want to highlight and recommend some things to do within the town of Wellesley! Right outside the east side of campus…

Image of Anna in a crowd at a concert.

Feeling Grateful

Hi all, I hope everyone is having a great start to this wonderful month leading up to Turkey Day! There is lots to be thankful for, and for this little post I thought I could talk about a few of the moments I have cherished and enjoyed thus far! Remember, these are just highlights of the last few months. I…

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