Finals Season: Words of Advice

Hi all,

The time has come! All things final exams, papers and projects are upon us in this last three week stretch of the semester. To say I am not feeling the stress would be a total understatement. I am very much feeling it and have been for probably a week now. For this post it seemed fitting to talk about my go to tips for stress management and how to still live your life despite the approaching deadlines.

    1. Sleep! I cannot emphasize enough the importance of sleep. I am a firm believer in the mantra “if it isn’t finished by 10:30 pm, it’s for tomorrow.” This has saved me on so many occasions. At the end of the day, I am not going to be producing excellent work if I am sleep deprived and cranky. If anything, I will be putting out work I will later need to revise or even worse scrap completely! Brains need sleep and allowing your body to sleep rather than staying up all night is not a selfish thing to do. It is just smart practice!
    2. Eat! Carving out three meal times a day will make study days more smooth and give you something to look forward to! Something I have been doing with my friends recently is we will camp out in a coffee shop (KC Peaches specific to Dublin), and we will have a hearty breakfast and then work in blocks of time. My friend sets a timer for anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half and we will work in silence during that time. Once the timer dings, we give ourselves typically a quarter of the “work” time to chat, grab a snack, go on our phones or take a walk. The presence of knowing a break isn’t far away, whether it be a mealtime or just a snack, has made it so much easier to break work into chunks and limit the overwhelming feeling of never ending deadlines. 
    3. Fun! Having an activity, an event, anything to look forward to is key to keeping yourself motivated, happy and in a routine. Personally, I look forward to attending my spin class everyday and have found it to be a great way to take a pause on whatever work I have to do and to get my body moving in a way that suits me. This activity certainly doesn’t need to be exercise based but can be anything that sparks joy. Sometimes I look forward to watching a show (recently it has been Modern Family reruns) or meeting up with friends to hang out. Regardless of the activity, any pause at work is a great way to destress and keep yourself grounded! 

I hope these tips have helped you as much as they have been helping me. We will make it through this finals season together!!

Until next week,

Anna Tutek

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