Last Wednesday, I sat in the quad playing a card game with my friend Anna. One week later, I write to you from my bed in California. What a week it has been. To be entirely honest, this week was the longest of my life. There were many tears and hard goodbyes, but I was also reminded over and over…
Category: Dorms
Welcome Class of 2023! Have Some Advice!
Welcome to the siblinghood, Class of 2023! Everyone of you accomplished something impressive by getting here. “Oh, except for me, the admissions office probably just made a mistake when they admitted me–” No! I work for admissions and they’re awesome! They admitted you for a reason! You’re here to learn a little more about this college, right? Okay, welcome. Here’s…
A room tour!
Hello hello!
Today is the day. Today, I finally post our room tour – something that has been long awaited! I filmed this with my one of lovely roommates, Emily (thanks for helping me, Em!) Our room is in Severance Hall, part of the iconic Tower Court. Watch as she goes through our room and shares all about it. We took inspiration from Vogue’s 73 Questions- Enjoy!
Til next week,
I declared! And other news…
Hello hello! Today, I’m writing to you as an official Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences major! I declared my major last Thursday night. Although the process was quite simple, I skyped with my family in Clapp library and my friend was there the entire time, so the moment was quite memorable! The deadline to declare a major is December 1st of…
Hello. It’s me (Shreya)!
Hello hello! My name is Shreya, and I’m a sophomore at Wellesley this year. I hail from America’s finest city, also known as San Diego, California. I’m a Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences major, and a Health and Society minor. After coming back from a meaningful and productive summer internship, I am super excited for this semester! I’m taking the…
What Wellesley Has Taught Me
First of all… CONGRATULATIONS to all the fabulous humans who received their EDII acceptances last night. I, and all of my classmates, can’t wait to have you join us on campus in the fall! While I said that I was going to vlog this week, I couldn’t bring myself to vlog out and about (I got super embarrassed every time I tried to…
I show you around my room
Well, since everybody else did room tours I figured I should hop on the bandwagon this week and show you around my room. Please enjoy my first vlogging experience (or at least my fish/ lake view). I tell you all about my rooming experience from first year (when I had three roommates!) until senior year , what it’s like to…
What Wellesley is ~Really~ Like
Hello again! This past weekend was Discover Wellesley Weekend where prospective students (also known as prospies) spent the night and got to experience the life of a Wellesley student alongside us. While spending time chatting with various prospies interested in different majors, activities, and ways to get involved, the same three questions kept popping up. These questions are similar to…
I Guess You’re Interested in Seeing My Room
(I’m going to confess to you, I didn’t know which words to capitalize in the title. Hopefully, I did it right.) This week, I am going to show you bits of my room. I didn’t clean up when taking these photos, so this is my room in all of its glory. I like the way my room feels, I am…
Dorm Sweet Dorm
For this week’s post, I wanted to give you an ~inside look~ into my dorm room. I live on the west side of campus (and across from the lake) in the Tower Court complex with my best friend, Emily! We have been working since the beginning of the school year to make our room a cozy and inviting space to…