Category: Fun

Valentine’s Day at Wellesley

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day here at Wellesley! And, I guess, other places! But while people celebrate the holiday all over, there are a few things that are special to Wellesley. A very non-comprehensive list of things that happen at Wellesley: -The dining halls turn it up. Chocolate cups with white chocolate mousse! Chocolate cookies with raspberry icing! And more! It…

first week of classes and back from dakar

This week is the first week of classes for Wellesley students. Although I am not on campus (I’ll be studying abroad again this semester in Geneva), I wanted to acknowledge the start of the new semester for Wellesley folks. This is going to be my 6th semester as a college student and my second in another country. I’ll be starting…

Graduation: Some Pros and Cons

Returning to college at the end of break is always bittersweet. Quick list of personal pros and cons: Con: Saying goodbye to high school friends. Pro: Saying hi to college friends. Con: No more home cooking. Pro: Home cooking does not include an entire cabinet of dessert options. (And Tower dining hall does.) Con: Adulthood is coming! It’s officially coming!…

An Introduction to the ~Edible Ecosystem~

Hope everyone had a wonderful week!   After writing the post on the Pawpaw plant, I realized I really want to tell you guys a bit more about the Edible Ecosystem. Located on the slope below the Whitin Observatory, the Edible Ecosystem Teaching Garden (EETG) is a designed plant community that mimics the properties of a natural ecosystem but produces…

I declared! And other news…

Hello hello! Today, I’m writing to you as an official Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences major!   I declared my major last Thursday night. Although the process was quite simple, I skyped with my family in Clapp library and my friend was there the entire time, so the moment was quite memorable! The deadline to declare a major is December 1st of…

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