Campus has become so green, and I love it. I’ve been taking pictures of a tree next to Beebe as I hike the hill up to the quad. Its leaves came in so fast. Here’s an update since my last pic of this tree two weeks ago. I only have two more days of class in my undergraduate career. It…
Category: Homework

A lot can change in a week
I spent Monday afternoon outside: walking around campus, smelling the flowers by Billings, reading for class in my hammock. It was sunny, in the low 60s. The quad was full of people playing spikeball and lounging in tees. It felt like the last day of class, or mid-March 2020, when it was warm and everyone was outside, savoring our last…

Hello blog, and happy Monday! I’m going to be totally honest with you all: we’ve really reached the time of year where I’m running very low in my capacity to do all things college and desperately counting down the days until I get to go home. In my time at Wellesley, I’ve found that I’m much more prone to…

Monday, Monday
Hello blog, and happy Monday! In the interest of full transparency, I think it’s important that I let you know I’m actually writing this post Sunday evening. I have a lot of assignments due at the front end of this week, and I’m really trying to stay on top of things by getting a couple of my usual Monday…

A Trip to Global Flora
Hello blog, and happy Monday! More importantly, happy Valentine’s Day! I think the theme of this month so far has been work, and I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, where I can go to bed at ten o’clock, wake up at nine, sweep the Dorito crumbs off of my floor and finally do…

February Seven
Hello blog, and happy Monday! Today marks my first post of February, which is very exciting to think about. We’re only one week away from one of the year’s best holidays: Valentine’s Day! I was always a huge Valentine’s Day as a kid. When I was in elementary school, we used to call our classroom Valentine parties “Friendship…

Always Something to Celebrate
Hello blog, and happy Wednesday! This time next week, I will be writing to you from back home in Iowa, where I’ll be spending my November break. Five days of family, food, and rest sounds like exactly what I need right now, and I cannot wait. Before I can get to that, though, there are a few other things…

Balancing bio and life
Biology almost took over my life this week. I had a homework assignment due in class Monday, a lab write-up due Wednesday before our three and a half hour-long lab, an exam Thursday, and the lab practical Friday. On Tuesday, I didn’t go to HoCo because I felt like I needed to study. HoCo is one of my favorite parts…

Admitting Defeat
Hello blog, and happy Wednesday! This has been a bit of a weird week for me. If you’ve read my last couple of blog posts, you probably know that I’ve been struggling with trying to do it all this semester, and in the past week that really caught up to me. If I were to go for a metaphor,…

Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days
Hello blog, and happy Wednesday! I’m writing my post a little later in the day than usual because I just finished my first essay of the semester! It was for Happiness, the pre-eighteenth century literature class I’m taking, and I wrote the first paragraph while the Help Desk was slow this morning and the other four pages in the…