Category: Jobs

Kindness and Honesty

Good morning readers 🙂 Oh dear, you know you’re in trouble if I’m already breaking out the smileys so early in this post! I can’t help it; Wellesley is such a lovely place. I even have an anecdote to share with you to illustrate. A few days ago, I was planning to buy my bus tickets to New York City…

Life is Good

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you’re having a marvelous Friday! Fridays are my days off from school, but even so they’re busy :). Still, Fridays at college are such a different experience from high school. In high school, Fridays represented the end of a long, continuous week when all the homework had built up to a towering level, and Friday…

College is Livin’ Up to Expectations

Good morning! Reporting here, from Wellesley College, your usual announcer Monica Gates… this would work much better if I actually watched TV and knew the lingo. Ah well! I’ve just finished my first full week of spring semester, first year! I love being a first-year—there are so many choices, and so few expectations. I can take whatever classes I want…

And it begins

Good morning readers! I’m writing this post a little earlier than usual because CLASSES HAVE STARTED! I am so excited, even though I don’t have class today and I didn’t on Wednesday (when school started.) My schedule is in the process of being adjusted right now (as are many Wellesley students’ schedules), but currently I have class only on Monday,…

It’s December Already!

Hello hello hello! Man, I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve posted! Well, two weeks. I meant to post over thanksgiving, but that didn’t quite get done. Oh well, more to talk about this week! So since two weeks ago is now ancient times (some say that the time goes by quickly. I feel that my days are so…

Its Twists and its Turns

Hello everyone! I have to say, this hasn’t been one of my better weeks. For whatever reason, the past few days haven’t been much fun. But we shall go in chronological order, because there have definitely been some highlights! Last Friday after swim practice, I was sitting at the dining table with some of my fellow first-years (Kendra, Grace, Tiffany,…

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