Tuesday was a big day: I had my last class of undergrad. My philosophy professor gave us time to work on our final papers, so I spent the hour and change reading philosophy stuff on my own. Class ended, and off I went. It was anticlimactic. Wednesday was food truck day. Wellesley brought in a bunch of food trucks, which…
Category: Traditions

Sunshine, regattas, and MarMon
I had a busy week! The highlights include unseasonal warmth and sunshine, two regattas in two days, and my second and final Marathon Monday. Earlier this week, the sun came out blazing and temps hit the high 80s. Every minute I spent indoors felt like a waste. I went for a sunny bike ride, waded in the lake, and met…

The Countdown Begins
Hello blog, and happy Monday! It was a beautiful spring day in Massachusetts today, and while I spent most of it inside at the Computing Help Desk in Clapp Library, I have managed to get outside quite a bit in the past week. Last Tuesday, my friend Emma and I took a walk as far as we could around…

Lip Sync Champions and Other Snapshots from a Week Well-Lived
Hello blog, and happy Wednesday! This week has been crazy busy! Since I last wrote to you, I’ve been to a tree-lighting, gone Christmas shopping, played at Holiday Open Tower, and- drumroll, please- won Wellesley’s Fall 2021 Lip-Sync Competition! For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the event, Lip-Sync is a twice yearly competition held by Wellesley’s House…

“Is This Heaven?”
Hello blog, and happy Wednesday! Even more importantly, happy December! December is my absolute favorite time of the year. I’m a little bit Christmas-obsessed, and it’s totally my Grandma Terry’s fault: my birthday is December 20th, and when I was younger I would always go spend the weekend with her to celebrate my birthday. In elementary school I…

Opening Doors
Hello blog, and happy Wednesday! This has been a week of a lot of things, as most weeks are. I think one of the best things about Wellesley is that there are always so many different things happening all at once, but sometimes that means you have to bury your head in the sand a little bit and stay…

A Fall Break to Remember
Hello blog, and happy Wednesday! Today is the first day back from fall break here at Wellesley, and I am feeling very reenergized. Here’s a brief rundown of everything I did over my fall break: Saturday: Guild Field Trip! The Wellesley College Guild of Carillonneurs visited a conference in Cohasset, Massachusetts for the Northeast chapter of the Guild…

The Boulder Chase
Hello blog, and happy Wednesday! Today was my second day of training for my new job at the Computing Help Desk, and I’ve been starting to feel the effects of stretching myself thin. It feels like my classwork has been piling up higher and higher and I have no chance to reach the bottom of the pile. To combat…

First Week Jitters
Hello blog, and happy Wednesday! Today is the first day of classes here at Wellesley; I had my first French class this morning and this afternoon I will be attending my very first in person convocation ceremony, which I am very excited about. I’m not entirely sure what exactly a convocation is, but I’ll be sure to update you…

Spring Breakers
Howdy, blog, and happy Thursday! Spring break is in full swing here at Wellesley, and I could not be happier about how things are going so far. Even the fire alarm testing in my dorm every morning starting at nine am couldn’t kill my good mood. In celebration of the total awesomeness that has been this week, I’ll be…