Category: Travel

swiss cheese, swiss cheeses ?

Switzerland is the land of cheese. And yes, Swiss cheese is not real Swiss cheese. There are apparently many different types of cheeses in Switzerland. So, this week, our program group decided to explore where it’s most famous cheese is made, Gruyères. The town is a small town in the Swiss countryside where the grass is green, cows are plenty…

What’s Been Happening at Wellesley

Hello hello! Hope everyone is doing well in this busy time of year! This past week has been jam packed with many events, deadlines, and meetings. The weekend is only going to be busier! Here’s a look at what’s been happening at Wellesley: The weather outside on Saturday and Sunday was beautiful – mid 60s, sunny, with a nice breeze.…

Expanding My Horizons

This week, I traveled to Oxford for a seminar on War and Peace. The seminar brought different subjects and disciplines together to discuss conflict and the ways we can create peace. I found out about this seminar through my major advisor for the Peace and Justice Studies program. There was an application program, I applied received the scholarship to attend…

first week of classes and back from dakar

This week is the first week of classes for Wellesley students. Although I am not on campus (I’ll be studying abroad again this semester in Geneva), I wanted to acknowledge the start of the new semester for Wellesley folks. This is going to be my 6th semester as a college student and my second in another country. I’ll be starting…

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