Category: Weather

Green (and haunted) houses

By some miracle, after four days of slick rain and dense skies that felt like a Sherlock Holmes dark and stormy night, it is lovely outside. It is so lovely that I have retreated to my new favorite study destination of the year, the trellis just outside the Wellesley College Greenhouses, blanketed by thin vines bearing large heart-shaped leaves. Junior…

Sunshine before semester’s end

Hello again everyone! Right now I’m sitting in the Munger courtyard, where the cherry trees are blooming and there’s a warm breeze making its way through the pines. Clouds are starting to roll in, suggesting rain, and so I guess nature will make this blog be done on time. We’ve had the most amazing weather the past two days. Yesterday,…


As someone who spends most of her time reading, writing and talking about public health, I try to practice what I learn. Care for oneself before caring for others, be aware of the affect one’s actions have on the community, etc. So when I started having headaches on Friday last week, I ignored it, like anyone whose friend from out of…

Winter Returns?

On Sunday, we had a little snowstorm blow through Wellesley: Just days ago, Wellesley looked like this: Ah well, spring is around the corner. At least, it needs to be around the corner because outdoor track has begun! Saturday’s meet at Coast Guard was COLD and WET and WINDY. But we had a great meet and placed third overall. Multiple…

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