Category: Weekends

Winter Returns?

On Sunday, we had a little snowstorm blow through Wellesley: Just days ago, Wellesley looked like this: Ah well, spring is around the corner. At least, it needs to be around the corner because outdoor track has begun! Saturday’s meet at Coast Guard was COLD and WET and WINDY. But we had a great meet and placed third overall. Multiple…

On being kind (to yourself)

Hello again everyone! I’ve been trying to keep the blog upbeat with all the fun things happening in my life, but to be honest, this is probably the most challenging semester I’ve had yet at Wellesley. It’s wearing me down a little, and there’s definitely been some self-doubt involved. But before we have a little heart to heart, I thought…

Turning twenty (and trampolines)

Happy Friday everyone! I am (number-wise) officially a year older since we last spoke. Twenty is a big birthday, in my opinion. It’s a very round number and marks entering an age of maturity. So naturally, I celebrated in a very adult manner: by gathering up some of my closest Wellesley friends and going to a trampoline park. That’s right,…

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