Category: Wellesley College

The (Incredible) Wellesley Network

Hello hello! As we approach the last few weeks of term, everything is starting to become busier and busier. I’m in the midst of data collection for my psycholinguistics dissertation, and I spent all day Wednesday and Thursday running participants. I’m excited to analyze my data and see what the results are, but the dissertation process has been long and…

I really like introductions!

Hi everyone! An introduction is long overdue. My name is Macy, and I’m a newly-minted first-year here at Wellesley. My first month of college has been exciting and fun and exhausting. Everyone I’ve met has been so nice, and my return to academia after my gap year has been surprisingly smooth. I live in the best dorm on campus, Shafer,…

A Letter to a Future Intern: What I’ve Learned This Summer

Hi future intern! Hope you’re doing well. If you’re nervous to start your internship, don’t be. Everyone is looking forward to having you there, and I’m sure they are absolutely thrilled you’re joining the team. While I’m writing this, I currently have two days left as an intern at Medical Legal Partnership Boston (MLPB), and I’ve learned so much that…

More Wonderful, Inexpensive Things in Boston

Hey everyone! As the summer is winding down, I thought it would be fitting to write about great, inexpensive activities to do around Boston. My roommate and I have been trying to make the most of the city since we’re leaving so soon, so here are my top weekend activities so far: Picnic on the Charles Esplanade (extra awesome if…

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