Breakfast Crepes and Reassessing My Time Here at Wellesley

I think breaks are very necessary to sometimes reassess yourself, your goals, and your lifestyle. As we gear up for the end of the semester (there’s only six weeks left for the semester), I realize that this is it. These last 6 weeks are all I’m going to have before I leave Wellesley not only for one academic year, but actually 15 months! I leave Wellesley in May of 2012 and I won’t be back until August of 2013. How crazy is that!! I’m almost halfway through…and when I come back, I will be in my last year. WHERE HAS ALL MY TIME GONE?!

But focusing back on now, I have a lot to do. I’m actually entering into my second round of midterms next week. These next two weeks are going to be so busy. This weekend is Justin’s birthday, a ZA mixer at Harvard with the Fox, and a Sunday brunch mixer with TZE at their little brick house with AEPI. I also have to fit in somewhere there studying for my math midterm on Tuesday, working on my CS pset (we’re already on pset 8!!), and start gathering my sources to write my upcoming history paper. I also have to figure out my courses at Oxford, work out my housing situation in San Francisco for the summer, the format for my panel presentation at Ruhlman, as well as the Android mobile app that Sonali and I are planning on releasing to the public in the coming weeks!

So much to do!! Well, I’ll catch you guys up on the doings for the coming weekend. But just a quick debriefing on my weekend when I got back to Wellesley—I flew in on a red eye and went straight to Justin’s when I arrived and crashed hard core. When I woke up, we got ourselves some crepes and late brunch and then watched…HUNGER GAMES. Amazing!!! I’m usually not huge on movies and rarely ever go to the theaters to watch movies, but I had such a wonderful time! So great!

Lastly, here’s what our amazing lake looks like. It sits right in the middle of campus, and I love laying right by it on beautiful days like this. Enjoy!

Our beautiful Lake Waban!

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