A Collage of Images

Hello hello~

Hope the week before Valentine’s Day is going well for all of you! Going to do another one of my typical picture-heavy posts…get ready…

Me + roomies Β – Johanna because she was busy that day, but you’ll see her in another picture below) = Rusty Bicycle pizza bonding


Having fun in the business school library:

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Oh this was truly fun! Formal hall with my climbing friend Ed (blonde) and THE FAMILY I SPENT CHRISTMAS WITH IN THE NETHERLANDS!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ I was so excited when Koen told me his parents were coming to visit–it was so great to see them!!



And then here are my roomies (clockwise starting from the left: Michelle, Johanna, and Simrat) when we were all desperately trying to book tickets to a ball in Cambridge in two weeks’ time. I say “desperately” because the wifi was giving us trouble. In other news–we’re all going to see Cambridge for the first time soon!! Ahh!!


Oh and then this was my work after taking a short calligraphy lesson at the business school the evening before Chinese New Year’s! πŸ˜€ This was actually a great story: I was just sitting in the business school doing my work, minding my business, when people start showing up all around me and setting up for a calligraphy class. I thought cool! Can I join? And I could! So I did. And THEN even more MBA’s start showing up and then there’s catered food and then there are performances!! And I’m just like wow, I’m really glad I was just sitting here minding my own business and doing work today! What a great thing to stumble upon. Plus I made a ton of new MBA friends!


Oh and then this is from the Philosophy and Theology Faculty Library, which I recently discovered. I love it! Philosophy is turning out to be quite interesting.


Oh haha and then here’s my typical army of asparagus–I tend to just make a lot when I do make asparagus, so then it lasts me a while. I’ve also learned how to bake fish! Or idk if it’s considered baking…or roasting…I don’t know, but I just put it in the oven with some green onions and lemon juice and garlic and IT’S DELICIOUS.


Aaaaaand that’s a wrap! Sorry for the short post–got TWO essays to write and I’m going to be gone in Wales all weekend for a climbing trip so gotta work hard!

Talk soon!


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