Hello again everyone! Right now I’m sitting in the Munger courtyard, where the cherry trees are blooming and there’s a warm breeze making its way through the pines. Clouds are starting to roll in, suggesting rain, and so I guess nature will make this blog be done on time. We’ve had the most amazing weather the past two days. Yesterday, thanks to some successful lobbying on my part, our ethnomusicology seminar had class outside. Four students and one professor, discussing critical race theory as it pertains to music in the green grass and half sunshine, half shade, of the academic quad. It was just a little too perfect, and I remember thinking that if Wellesley sold postcards, this moment should be on it.
We sat in the half-sunshine, half shade because yours truly may have gotten a little (okay pretty badly) sunburnt on Marathon Monday. We started off the day by cheering on the runners until our voices were raw and our ears were ringing. After a barbeque lunch featuring a rideable shark (I stayed on all of five seconds), my friends and I laid out a towel in the quad, determined to enjoy every minute of the best day of the year, and also because watching marathons, as we all know, is exhausting. And still in Massachusetts winter mode, sunscreen may not have been on our minds.
Not that the end of a college semester is all spent in the sun. Remember how last semester, I had a small but supported breakdown in office hours the week before finals due to paper-induced stress? Yeah, it’s that time of the semester again. Whenever someone casually remarks something like “3 more weeks until summer!!” a part of me is like “summer, can’t wait!” but a larger part of me panics… because I still have so much to fit into the next few weeks. An Orgo exam, my final ethnomusicology paper on neoliberalism in El Sistema charter schools, a presentation on my self-designed Orgo experiment, my final lab paper on apoptosis, and a violin studio recital all before finals even begin. It’s daunting, but I’m diving head-in to make a dent in the work this weekend, even if that means admiring the gorgeous weather from the top floor of the library.
I felt a raindrop, just one, and so out of concern for my laptop I’m going to go back inside. Hopefully by the time I next write, the pre-finals to do list will have lessened considerably.
Until then, and ever lovely yours,