Bomb Cyclone

Happy FWOIPC (first week on in-person classes) everyone!

Wellesley was hit with what meteorologists affectionately call a “bomb cyclone” this weekend. A born and bred Massachusetts native, this storm was less exciting for me than it was for a lot of my friends. My roommate, for example, was utterly enchanted with her first-ever snowfall. I was reasonably delighted by the storm, I think. It was certainly a lot of snow- more than I have seen us get since Middle School. The total seems to be somewhere between 15 and 24 inches, but I know it was falling fast enough that I could not see across the Bates courtyard. 

I spent my weekend barricaded in the Bates study room with a mock trial tournament. Typically, the mock trial team will try and compete from one location but the Snow Gods had different plans. Between rounds, I was able to take a snowy walk with the aforementioned roommate and managed to squeeze in some traying on Sunday afternoon too. The tradition started when Wellesley students would slide down Severance Hill on dining hall trays. Now that Wellesley Fresh has opted for a more sustainable model sans plastic trays, I decided to go with an old IKEA bag in the back of my closet. It worked beautifully, though it probably would have worked even better if I had managed to pick my feet up on the way down. I ended up stopping halfway and butt-scooching the rest of the way down in a classic first-year embarrassing moment. 

By Sunday night, the snow had been cleared enough for the team to watch opening ceremonies together. I am so glad I got to be with everyone because we won FIRST PLACE at the Quinnipiac invitational- a very first for me and for our restacked team! We decided to celebrate and party hard: smiley fries, ballot review, and a Disney classic film called Pixel Perfect. 

Monday was back to in-person classes. I managed to find all of my Monday classes okay but was almost 10 minutes late to my Tuesday morning class in Pendleton West. I was wandering through art studios full of people actively in class, with a confused and frustrated look on my face. I still was not the last person to arrive at class though as that entire building is a maze. Mock trial practice that night was laid back. Given we had spent the weekend prior in an invitational and the entire week before that in an intensive winter session mock trial Bootcamp, our captains opted for a Yankee swap and camp games. I brought home these super cute earrings that a friend made. 

On the agenda for the next week: who knows! Mock trial has me completely up in the air because regionals are just around the corner. I imagine we will have some more scrimmages, probably a few extra defense counsel table meetings, and rumor control has it that we will be taking headshots soon. Aside from that, I am celebrating my birthday on Monday which should be exciting. My first birthday away from home!


With love, 


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