Phytoplankton and Nashville

Hi blog!


Well, the second week of classes is in the books, although it definitely felt like the first week of classes since it was our first in-person week. The semester is off to a good start. I’m taking three courses this semester and a PE course: (1) Environment Issues in Developing Countries (Economics), (2) A Nation in Therapy (American Studies), (3) Intro. to Organismal Biology with Lab, and (4) Mindfulness

The economics course is incredibly interesting and I’m really happy to be taking a course that’s more globally focused. The American Studies course is focused on therapeutic culture and different societal views on therapy. I am in no way a STEM person which is precisely why I kept postponing my science with a lab requirement. However, I highly recommend not leaving your science with a lab requirement for the last semester…learn from my mistakes. Either way, I’m going to make the best of the situation. I had my first lab session this past week, and quite surprisingly, I really enjoyed it. We went to the lake (well, one of the areas that hasn’t completely frozen over yet) and collected water samples to study different plankton organisms. It was actually so cool to observe the different types of plankton from the microscope (pictured below are two phytoplanktons).

It’s rumored that we will be dissecting a pig later in the semester which will definitely be an interesting experience! I am taking the mindfulness course to fulfill my last part of the PE requirement. However, I know the course will also be a great opportunity to learn to take time out of my day to just breathe, reflect, and be present. We learn different meditation/breathing techniques each week and I’m looking forward to incorporating them in my everyday life. Wellesley, like most elite colleges, has a pretty intense stress culture. Finance is traditionally known to be an incredibly demanding career path. Since I’ll be working in the field after graduating, I’m taking know this is a really good time for me to learn how to decompress through mediation and learn how to listen to my body. 


I’m very happy with the courses I’m taking this semester! Aside from courseload, I’m looking forward to the adventures this semester will bring. This weekend my friend and I went to a Nashville-themed bar in Boston that just opened a few weeks ago. It was so much fun! They had a live band and really fun drinks (most of which were served in a cowboy boot!) I’ve always stressed how important balance is on my blog and I will continue to do so! I love balancing my weekdays working with taking time to try new things and explore new places. 


Well, till next time blog! 




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