Home Sweet Home

Hi friends,

I’m writing this very last post of the year from the comfort of my room at home on Mercer Island, WA. I have 3 big bags to unpack, an essay to finish by tomorrow, and a lot of catching up to do in terms of sleep… but I am so happy to be home! These next three weeks I will be relaxing with family and friends, and then I’m off to Beijing until August 1st for my WildChina internship! 

I hope everyone had a great year and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my blog. I loved looking back every week and recounting the fun adventures and moments that make college memorable. I know that you are aware that Wellesley is an incredible school, and that academics are always highlighted and emphasized. It’s important that you know that grades, test scores, and homework can’t constitute your entire college experience, though – you have to enjoy life and the people who surround you!

Good luck to all of you in high school who read this as you are thinking about the college, and cheers to all the alums and current students who have made my day with their sweet comments and feedback this year. I’m not sure if I will be able to blog next Fall when I’m abroad, but keep an eye out for a new round of fabulous Wellesley women.

Severance Green. photo credit: Charlene Lee ’14



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