New Moon (check), Turkeybreak (check) and Now for Finals (anticipatory check..I hope!)

I love Wellesley.

The campus, the classes, the people. But in the past couple of weeks, my extracurriculars and classes had been piling on top of me, making it difficult to breathe sometimes. I guess it's all about how you frame your day to day– and I like my everyday to be one big bundle of stress. The whole thing is a bit more fun.

Come mid-November, though, I started feeling a slight tinge of…burn out?

All I know for sure is, thank you, thank you Wellesley for putting in breaks when your students need it most! Thanksgiving break was a lovely and much-needed battery charge before we plunge into finals and term papers.


[My sister, friend and me at the AMC theatres, eagerly anticipating 12.01 am.]

Not to mention my own self-scheduled-New-Moon-premiere break! 

I was able to maintain a balance (slightly slanted towards the relaxation, though) between sleep and schoolwork. Now it's back to classes, of which we have only a couple of weeks left, until reading period begins.

As a side note, I love my professors here. My psychology professor, Linda Carli, (who is also my psychology faculty advisor) recently brought a box of her delicious, handmade chocolate chip cookies to class simply because *someone* had asked her for some sweets.

Of course, she is also one of my favorite professors… and is someone I recommend every student take in their four years of school!

I'm not biased…that much. 🙂

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