Au Revoir, Genève

Today is my last day in Geneva. I am writing this from a cafe by the lake. One of my favorite places to get work done here. I can hardly believe that I am leaving. The semester flew by quickly. My experience in Geneva turned out to be very different than from what I was expecting but I am very happy with it.

My time the Graduate Institute allowed me to take classes on topics that I have a great interest in. It really allowed to explore academic interests I have always had and really study them. My teachers were great and insightful. My peers were kind and let me know how things worked. I gained a lot from this experience. I made such great friends in Geneva; people I know that will be around for some time. I will miss our days studying at cafes or walking along the banks of Lake Geneva.

For my last day, we went to the top of Mont Salève, a mountain behind Geneva, to watch the sunset. From there, you can the entire city. After a long climb, we made it to the top, just in time.

I will be continuing my travels over the summer. I’ll be interning at a museum in Tangier, Morocco until early August starting next week. I am excited to have this opportunity. It is very different than my past college internship experiences. I ready to see how I learn and grow. Then it’s back to Wellesley in the Fall. See you then!


Until next time,


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