bowl is life

This past weekend I went bowling with the program I volunteer with. I may have mentioned this program before but BRYE or Boston Refugee Youth Enrichment is the program that I volunteer with. We work with 2nd to 5th graders on Friday afternoons. We create a curriculum and teach the children a variety of subjects. Last time, my 4th graders and I talked about Native American Heritage Month which in November. The school is located in Dorchester so every Friday afternoon, I hop on the Peter Pan Bus and make my way to see my kids.

I love working with children and have been doing so for a while. Basically, every summer job I ever had involved me working with kids. Last week, the kids did not have school in observance for veterans day. To celebrate this day off, we took them to go bowling. Many of them were so excited to go. They were telling me about their experiences bowling while jumping up and down.

Once they got their shoes on, they went at it. It was fun to watch them have fun. Since I hadn’t gone bowling in a while, I was a little rusty. They, however, were all in and even beat me in the end. They were also pretty serious players using their whole body to propel the bowling ball forward.

Afterwards, we played in the arcade that was inside the Bowling Alley. I think that might have their favorite part of the whole trip, they did not want to leave.

Volunteering with BRYE is one of the most rewarding parts of Wellesley. I hope to continue it for the rest of my years.


Until next time,


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