Kung Fu Laïssa

This week I wanted to chat just a little bit about my Kung Fu class.

Kung Fu is fuuuunn! I have been learning a lot and having fun doing it. I want to finish my PE requirement before the end of my first-year. Those who do get a T-shirt and I want that T-shirt to brag about my accomplishment. I took Kung Fu because I have a busy schedule this semester and it was the only class that fits in my schedule that I actually had an interest in.

I also thought Kung Fu would be really useful as it could help me gain some fighting skills. Skills that I would have on hand in case anyone would wanna fight me.

But really, Kung Fu is hard, as you may have guessed. It has really challenged me physically and in many ways, I did not think it would. I did not know how out of shape I was until I took this class. It requires endurance, strength (mental and physical) and most of all patience with yourself. You are gonna mess sometimes and be lost in the class, but you need to realize that take things one step at a time to learn the most you can.

The things I have learned in Kung Fu, I can take into my real life as well.

For all you reading, I hope you take cool PE class like Kung Fu or archery.

Read about my PE class last semester, Archery, here:

Katniss ain’t got nothing on me

Have a nice week!



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