Spring 2018

I am officially back and so is the snow! I am ready to take on the second semester of my second year. There seems to be a lot going on at the same time as I try to readjust, classes, deciding to study abroad, and summer internships. I am also starting to realize that I am about to hit the halfway point of my Wellesley journey. This is both exciting and scary. It seems to be moving pretty fast.

I haven’t finalized my schedule for this semester just yet. When I do, I will post descriptions of my classes on here. I’ve been attending classes that I would like to take to see if I should, in fact, take them. I’ve enjoyed most of them so far, but need to make a decision on the four very soon. As a Peace and Justice Studies major, I have a lot of flexibility when it comes to choosing classes but with that means making choices about which great classes to take.

This week has also meant readjusting back to campus social life as well. Meeting old friends, making plans and catching up. I am excited to see what the semester holds for me and ready to take you all along with me.

(By the way, the picture above is the path from Munger to the Residential Quad. I took it on my way back to my room from class. I like how tall the trees are in comparison to the buildings. )

WIsh me luck!


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