thesis done !

This will be another short update from home.

I submitted my thesis! After over a year of research and preparation, I finally submitted all 88 pages of my thesis today.

These last two months or so have been very difficult, therefore, the fact that I completed this project is a win for me. It’s not exactly how I wanted it, but whatever is?

My thesis is on the African Union and its human rights enforcement. Using peace and justice frameworks and theories, I analyzed how the African Union has historically approached the protection of human rights, how they do so currently and what the future can look like. With this thesis, I was primarily interested in thinking about a path forward for the African Union in this realm. This felt especially relevant because the AU has recently taken a shift to focusing on how to manage conflict and protect human rights. I read what felt like a million books and spent hours thinking to come up with the thesis. There is still so much left to say that I am thinking about continuing this research in the form of a graduate degree.

With the submission of the thesis, I am 95.6% done with my undergrad career. I still have a few assignments to turn for other classes. And most importantly, I have my thesis defense next week. During the meeting, I’ll explain the method of my research and answer questions the committee has. I am nervous about it, but I am sure it will go well.

After that I am done! I have about three weeks until I am officially a Wellesley grad. Let the countdown begin. This not what I expected to be the end, but graduating feels bittersweet no matter the circumstances. I hope that I’ll be able to celebrate graduating from Wellesley properly some time soon.-Until next week,


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