Sept 24 : (Sopho)more work to do

One month in to the first semester and I’m already so busy to the point that I’m writing this post (which should have been published hours ago) at midnight, as a break between Bio homework and Spanish homework.


(view from my dorm on the fifth floor of Tower… yea, I get to see this every night.)

 Wellesley, you overwhelm me. I missed you.

This is my second year at Wellesley College. I came back from summer back home in Tokyo – I interned at a Branch of the US Embassy in Japan for half the summer, and worked as a camp counselor for the other half – knowing what to expect of Wellesley, with goals and hopes for sophomore year.

So here’s a list of things I want/need to accomplish by the end of Spring Semester:

1) Declare my major
I’ve decided to Major in Women’s and Gender Studies with a concentration in Health Science and Bioethics. I’m thinking maybe I’ll add a Biology Minor in there too, but we’ll see how I feel about that after I endure BISC110 this semester ( <—why is it so difficult for a 100-level course? because wellesley.)

2) Figure out where I’ll be going for my semester abroad next year
I reeeaaalllllyy want to go to Amsterdam. I can’t say exactly why because I don’t really know but it’s been a dream of mine to visit and how awesome would it be to be able to live there for 4 months. As sophomores we need to start applying for programs pretty soon so I need to start getting my stuff together for this. I’ll keep y’all updated on the process as I go through it.

3) Go to the gym at least twice a week
….failing at this currently but I’m hoping once I get in to the habit of it I’ll just keep going to the gym more frequently. After my first year, I realized how important physical health is to doing well in college so I have to stop telling myself I don’t have time to exercise. As my one friend would say, “If you think you don’t have time, just make time. you have the power to do that, you know.”

4) Organize a successful Slater Culture Show
This year, I am the Cultural Chair of the Slater Eboard. (key: Slater = Slater International Student Organization, Eboard = executive board). It is the cultural chair’s job to organize the annual Slater Culture Show, a performance event that showcases the diverse backgrounds of Wellesley students. It’s an extremely popular event that happens every year in October (Friday, Oct 24th this year if any of you are in the area), and of course being the kind of person I am I decided I would sign up to be in charge of the whole. freaking. show. There’s so much to do in preparation for the show so you’ll be hearing lots more about it in my upcoming posts.


5) Serve as a great social chair for the Japan Club
Yes, I am on another executive board for a different organization. As the social chair, I am in charge of organizing fun mixer events with Japan clubs/student associations at other schools. My plan is to plan all of our events around eating Japanese food because WHY NOT.


(I’m not in this photo but my friends looked adorable I had to share)

6) Get my driver’s license
This might actually be the most difficult thing I do this semester. I’m scheduled to take the Road Test on October 18th. Wish me luck and if you’re in the Wellesley/Newton area – stay off the roads that day.

7) Go to more shows
One of my favorite things to do is go to concerts. I live for live music. I’ve always loved going to concerts but not a lot of artists I listen to would come to Tokyo, and when they did, tickets were always so expensive. A great thing about Boston is that so many artists come here to do shows (college-packed cities ftw). Most of my allowance last year went to paying for concert tickets (#livinlavidabroka but worth it) and I’m not planning to change that for this year.


( WEEZER!!! they’re coming to boston next month I CANT WAIT)

My life is sometimes interesting and always chaotic. Hopefully I can give you all insight in to life at Wellesley, although everyones experience here is different. I’ll do my best have something interesting to say every Wednesday about the beautiful mess I call my life here on this gorgeous campus.

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