Wellesley Life – it’s a balancing act.

My life:


Slater, Phi Sig, consent (see SAAFE), cats, and my roommate.

(Studying Eating in preparation for) Midterms

It’s midterm season here at Wells and you can sense it all throughout the school. Tensions are high, study rooms are full, and the WiFi at times frustratingly slow. Especially in the Clapp Library where I used to spend the majority of my time studying last year. This year, though, I’ve been trying to spend more time at The Hoop (Café Hoop), a student-run co-op in the basement of Lulu campus center. One of my good friends works there, and I’ve come to love the homey environment and nachos there. Seriously, the supernachos are worth walking from my dorm on the 5th floor of Tower to Lulu for in the middle of the night. Study lots, eat more – that’s my motto.


(wall decor found at the Hoop)
great food, great atmosphere, great music, great people. and beyonce. what more can you ask for?

Carole Vance Lecture

Yesterday, I attended the Annual Domna Stanton Lecture held by the Women’s and Gender Studies Department. The speaker was Professor Carole Vance, an anthropologist at Columbia University who has dedicated her life’s work to studies of sexuality, gender, and health. The lecture was titled “‘Good Sex’, Univerities, and the State”.  She spoke to us about the history around the infamous Title IX and the problems that surround punishment and justice for sexual violence on college campuses. I also had the opportunity to attend a smaller gathering today with Professor Vance and several Wellesley Professors from the Women’s and Gender Studies department. The great thing about small liberal arts colleges is that most of the time, these gatherings are actually small enough that you have the chance to have more in-depth conversations with esteemed scholars like Carole Vance.

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Phi Sig

So two weeks ago, I joined a society called Alpha Phi Sigma. Wellesley does not have nationally recognized sororities on campus, but Societies with specific focuses. To mention a few, there is Zeta Alpha, the literary society; Tau Zeta Epsilon, the art and music society; and Agorathe political society.

When I first got to Wellesley, and throughout my first semester here, I had very close to no knowledge nor interest in these organizations on campus. They were briefly mentioned in the first campus tour I received during the International Orientation, but other than that I thought I would have no interaction with these groups in my time at Wellesley. However, as spring semester came, many of my close friends began to “tea” (the sorority equivalent of rushing).

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Alpha Phi Sigma is more commonly known as Phi Sig on campus, and it is the lecture society. I tea’d Phi Sig because throughout my first year at Wellesley, I kept meeting people who made me love being a part of this school, and most of them were members of this society. What really drew me to Phi Sig was the diversity of its members: there are Cinema and Media Studies majors, Neuroscience Majors, athletes, advocates of environmental justice, members from Istanbul, Paris and Tokyo(ME!). Despite the diversity of its members, Phi Sig is a cohesive, loving, accepting group of people who hold values of sharing knowledge and ideas through lectures, supporting each other in the name of sisterhood, interacting with other members of the Wellesley and non-Wellesley community through social events, and discovering/pursuing ones passions. Looking forward to a great 3 years a Wellesley with Phi Sig!


I mentioned in my previous post (and all the ones before that, honestly..) that I’m a sucker for live music. I unfortunately couldn’t get tickets to the Weezer show in Boston — sold out in literally 2 mins. I know. I cried too — but I’ll be going to an RL Grime show next month as well as seeing Flosstradamus again in December. Bank account: $0 Memories: Priceless.

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