Hello everyone!
It’s been a fun and eventful week here—with the result being that I have LOTS of pictures :). I would worry about the lack of text, but as Monica told me this morning: when you’re submitting a paper to a journal, a picture (figure) is worth 600 words! (Yes, academic humor ;)).
First things first: MONICA’S BACK! The professor for whom I am doing research, Prof. Monica Higgins, went to go get married in New Jersey a while ago, and I’ve not seen her for almost three weeks. She was going to come back last week, but then her car broke down and the beach was nice and she didn’t end up returning until yesterday. I don’t know if she’s glad to be back, but I’m happy to see her again. We’re writing a paper (yes, a real, live paper for a journal. I am rather excited, since paper-writing doesn’t usually happen until graduate school.) and it’s lovely to hear about the scientific writing process, her phD work, figure-generating, and everything else we discuss. I’ll definitely keep you updated on the research paper—I’m so excited to be involved as a rising sophomore. Wellesley is amazing, make no mistake :).

Monica's Jam: Monica and Liz spent more than 8 hours making jam for the wedding-- and Monica brought me some 🙂
I had a happy moment on Thursday too, when one of my swim lessons, a 5-year-old named Jack, learned how to float on his own. This doesn’t seem like a big deal as you read it off the screen, but I am SO excited for him, because getting to the point where the kids are confortable laying in the water without support takes years. And he had a huge smile on his face, while I was bubbling “Did you feel that?! Wasn’t that awesome—you were totally doing it by yourself! That’s floating, Jack! Wasn’t it cool?” and he just looks at me and says “Let’s do it again!” Lovely moment. We monkeyed down the wall and showed his mom and they were both beaming.
Those two moments on Friday and Thursday were definitely the highlights of the week; but I mustn’t forget Wednesday, the 4th of July! I think I set a record for myself—Erin, Alice and I were in Boston for more than 10 hours, as we arrived early to reserve a spot in the Hatch to watch the Boston Pops concert. While we didn’t end up staying in the Hatch, instead sitting along the river to watch the fireworks, we had a good day wandering around the city. Unfortunately, the fireworks and concert were delayed due to a thunderstorm, and the three of us returned home to Wellesley after 9:30pm. However, what we saw of the concert was fun, and the transportation home was surprisingly and wonderfully efficient (thank you, government!) (Of course, when we got back someone set off the fire alarm at 12:30am, so then I had to wake up and go trek outside again…:))
Last Sunday was great for two reasons: first, Angela, Alice and I went out to lunch at a Japanese place at Wellesley, and second, we had our usual family dinner :). We got up to lots of cooking—everyone participated this time—and you can check out the pictures below!

We went to Takara, a Japanese restaurant that just set up in Wellesley. It figures we'd have a Korean dish: bibimbap. I love spending time with Wellesley students-- you learn so many new things!

Angela and Amy sharing desserts 🙂
Saturday we did our usual trip to Boston—but this time, no dimsum, and instead we went to the aquarium! I will spare you the 200-some pictures I took there, but some of the highlighted ones are included. The penguins and jellies were my favorites :).

And I'm totally thinking of making this my backdrop. I've decided it's my favorite kind of jelly. And/or spaceship. You never know.

Alice and Erin hanging out at the shark/manta petting tank... I'm going for the super secret photography here

Penguin! (I felt, wandering through the aquarium, that my sole source of information on animals is Disney. I was able to identify Dory and Nemo, and in penguin land, Ramon. I would also like to point out yet again that Happy Feet 2 is awesome and you should all go watch it.)

I really love this picture. Alice, in the gift shop.
On Saturday we also went past a bunch of white tents—that I immediately demanded we go investigate (I’m a sucker for outdoor stalls). It turned out to be a sort of open-air art fair—my favorite! I bought a recycled-glass pair of earrings that do marvelous things with sunlight, and we saw many other pretty things that were much too expensive to buy. I always tell myself that when I’m rich I’ll go to art fairs and buy everything I see there… one of my many fantasies, but one I enjoy :).

The soap shop! Add food to brightly-colored soaps-- you've caught my eye!
We also headed to Haymarket, where we officially qualify as “regulars”. The stand owners recognized the three of us, and Alice told me it was terribly amusing to watch the vendors flirt with me. I am glad she’s entertained :). (Ah, the drawbacks of living in a women-only community. On the other hand, it was just pointed out to me during our weekly AGES meeting that in most schools, many of the math and science classes are almost exclusively male. It’s hard to imagine how different an environment that would be from the one that I am experiencing… and if I had thought about this issue before I came to Wellesley, it would have been one of the reasons that I chose to come.)
Friday too was lots of fun :). We had a swim/dive team dinner, with Kathryn (who just moved in across the hall), Karina (who is going to be a co-captain next year! I’m so excited), Tiffany, and Erin all coming down to the first floor to cook a meal. After we finished eating and cooking (I love the dinner get-togethers…) we headed over to Tiffany’s house to watch the Olympic Trials. I have to give a shout-out to my fellow Minnesotan swimmer, Rachel Bootma, who made it to the 2012 Summer Olympics! I remember seeing her at all of our meets, since Eden Prairie high school was in our division. I am so excited for her and will be cheering her on at the Games!
Well, the claim that I would refrain from lots of writing seems to have failed once again :). As always, please write me for questions and comments, and I’ll reply to you by email! I hope you all had a great fourth of July and a good week. Bye for now!