Making myself busy

How busy you are is entirely up to you. You can choose to do just what is required of you for class and spend your afternoons watching Netflix, and your schedule will be wide open. (That honestly sounds pretty good right now.) Or you can join a sports team, get on the mailing lists of five different orgs, write three newspaper articles at the same time, and apply for every internship or scholarship that looks remotely interesting. 

Ding ding ding! You found me. 

This week was hectic. I interviewed three dining hall workers for my sociology class, and because they were only free in the afternoons, I had to move around my work. The interviews went really well, and I so appreciate the workers for participating. But my routine went out the window. 

I’ve also been working all week on essays for a scholarship to spend the summer abroad. The deadline is Tuesday, and I’m looking forward to turning everything in. But now the application is open for the Albright Institute, and deadlines are coming up for more summer internships, and I feel like I’m never going to rest. 

On top of that, I’ve finally begun writing for The Wellesley News, and I somehow ended up working on three or four articles at once. Two are published, I’m drafting one today, and the other one is going on hold. I need to not do this to myself again. I am really excited about all of the topics, but still, it’s a lot. 

Between meetings and interviews and schoolwork and work, I’ve also felt really happy this week. My friends have made me feel really valued by including me in their plans. My new passport came, and I’m optimistic that I will get to go to Spain next month. The dining hall served vegan mac and cheese on Thursday. I’ve started my final projects for both of my classes, and I finished the cheesy serial killer trilogy I was reading. I even went for a swim at the pool today. Because no matter how full my schedule is, I always seem to make room for more fun stuff. 

vegan mac & cheese and pulled pork!


Pond Rd in the sunshine


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