My graduation is approaching and that means finals are around the corner.
My graduation is approaching and that means things at work are getting busy.
My graduation is approaching and I have reached a different emotional stage. First came fear of the unknown. Then came excitement for what the future had to offer!
Now everything is bittersweet.
It feels good to graduate from college. It means I completed something I set out to do four years ago and it means that I made it past the rough patches, learned from them, and came out on top.
But graduating from college also means leaving my life – the life I know and love – behind. I will be moving to Mexico. My friends, most of whom are Juniors, have a year left together. Not only does this give me major fear of missing out, it also has highlighted all the things that will change after my graduation, ranging from academic to social, and I don’t know how to feel about it.
I will be listening to Tracy K. Smith, poet laureate of the United States, deliver our commencement speech in a little over a month.
I will be working in Boston this summer.
I will be working in Mexico in the Fall.
I have to keep reminding myself that these are new stages that I will enjoy. A year ago I was worried about leaving Northern Ireland and all my friends, and look how things turned out.
I guess this means the last two years of my life have been worth every second, and I can only hope I will have the same bittersweet feelings when the next stage of my life approaches an end.