Day by Day

I am so going to regret writing this right now in five hours when I have to wake up for class, but I am feeling inspired. I just finished updating my personal website. I decided after two years of the same theme that the site no longer represented me well. I am so excited about how it looks now! There’s definitely a few things I still need to tweak, but I am happy with it for now. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Anyway, last week was crazy. Holy cow, I have no idea how I got through it. I don’t even know how it is legal to be so busy and have so much work to do in such little time. Somehow, somehow, I managed to get through it, but my sleeping schedule suffered. It had already been slipping for a few weeks, but the all-nighter I had to pull on Thursday has left me back where I was before Wintersession. This is not good. I am committed to focusing on my health this semester, so I will be working on that this month. I will also refocus on my eating habits, as the two seem to be attached. As soon as my sleeping habits worsen, my eating habits take a hit. I am, however, happy to say that I only skipped one workout last week. That’s wicked impressive if I do say so myself.

A few important things have happened since my last post. I finally finished my Study Abroad application and I applied to a couple of summer jobs… I even got interviews for a few of them! I am very excited, but also kind of nervous. My plan for the summer was to intern somewhere I could live at home, since I am planning to study abroad next year, but summer internships are apparently not very common around there. I am now looking at places in Boston. It is crazy to think that after leaving in the Greater Boston Area for seven years, I might finally spend a summer here! I have a few interviews lined up this week, and I will let you know how things go. I don’t expect to hear back from the study abroad program anytime soon, but I will also keep you updated on that front.

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I also wanted to tell you a little more about the Chem class I am currently taking. In case you did not know, Wellesley has several distribution requirements everyone must fulfill to graduate. One of those requirements is to take a Science course with a lab. I really wanted to get this requirement done before studying abroad, and this course, called Understanding Drugs, seemed perfect. I am really enjoying it so far, though the time commitment is a little bit too much in my opinion. Still, the labs are pretty cool. We made soap two weeks ago, and we will be making beer/wine tomorrow. I am really excited to see how that turns out!

Have a good week. Come back next Tuesday for more updates!

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