Making the Most of My Last Semester

Last week was a very interesting first week of classes. The beginning of the week was very relaxed because only one of my classes had started. Then halfway through the week I got a really bad cold that I thought might even be the flu (it’s gone away now, so now we’re thinking it was a mild case of the flu caused by the vaccine I got the Friday before). And then I had a busy weekend full of work commitments. So my relaxing first week started off great, then quickly lost its charm.

This is my first week with my full schedule for the week and it is busy. I am taking the following classes:

QR 190 Epidemiology – to fulfil my last science and QR Overlay Degree Requirements
PEAC 350 Independent Study on literature regarding education and social justice

As well as the following MIT classes:

Bestsellers: Literature Without Borders – a half credit course that ends right before Spring Break
Spanish for Heritage Learners

Lastly, I am taking the following add ins:

Pilates – because I need one more full-semester P.E. Course to graduate
Voice – because I want to learn some basic singing techniques

In addition to my classes, I am also working around 16 hours at the ice cream store again, as well as directing a summer camp that I need to start planning.

So… busy semester! I have some down time right now, so I have to leave soon to finish my assignments for tomorrow. I do have most of tomorrow off, however, so hopefully I will be able to get ahead on work and squeeze in some social life so I don’t get overwhelmed with responsibilities too fast.

Come back next week to hear about my post-graduation plans!

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