Crossing Things Off My To-Do List

Howdy blog, and happy Thursday!


This week has been the week of finally getting around to things, which means that I’ve been super productive and have done many things that I can tell you all about. Go me!


The first big thing I got out of the way this week was probably the most exciting: I got my second vaccine shot! Wellesley held a clinic last weekend with CVS on campus to get students the Pfizer vaccine, and it just so happened that Anastasija and I were far enough out from our first vaccine to participate. It’s definitely a relief not to have to find a ride into Boston this weekend, and it doesn’t hurt that they passed out Starbucks gift cards to everyone who got vaccinated. I’m feeling really good about being able to head home for the summer fully protected from COVID-19!


This isn’t really something I got “out of the way”, but this week has been full of res life planning for next year, which has been so fun. I got to spend some time with my HP and fellow RAs eating Truly’s ice cream and exploring Bates at the beginning of the week, and then yesterday we actually had our full res staff kick off on Zoom. The whole thing was a lot of break out rooms and ice breakers, which can be a little nerve wracking but it was really fun to get to know so many different people, even in such a short amount of time! I honestly can’t wait for training in August; I think it’s gonna be a blast.


With my Hoaxes and Conspiracies research paper due early next week, I’m just about over the hill in both of my classes; as soon as that essay is turned in, I’ll have one more short paper for my first year writing course, and then in Global Crime Fiction we just have one book and a final paper left. I will be sad to say goodbye to these courses, because they’ve definitely been my favorite that I’ve taken here. My professors this term have also been incredible, and I’m hoping to take some classes with both of them again later on in my Wellesley career. I honestly think this term is the best ending my first year could have had.


My final accomplishment this week has been tackling the monster that is my dorm room; I think for at least four posts in a row I mentioned cleaning my room and destroying the Snuggle Cave, and yesterday at two-something in the afternoon, those dreams finally became a reality. Not only did I clean my room and move my mattress so that I’m now sleeping on an actual bedframe again instead of a mattress on the floor, but I also completely rearranged my room and started packing. I figured that since it’s too late in the year for the first one and I’m about a week early to start the second one, it cancels out and I’m perfectly on time. It does feel a little bit strange that in a matter of two Thursdays and some change I’ll be leaving this little room forever; leaving the whole Quint, even. Hopefully I’ll remember to remove all of the random googly eyes I’ve stuck on the walls before I head out, or whoever rooms here next year will be in for a shock when they start looking around. I hope that whoever lives here next year remembers not to sleep in a bed right under the window, and to leave their boots out in the hallway when it gets snowy, because the doorway gets all gross when it’s covered in sludge and no one wants a puddle in their dorm room.


It just hit me that I only have two blog posts left in my first year; how the time has flown! I don’t even know how to think of myself in terms of who I was when I first stepped onto campus anymore. This year has been so crazy and so difficult that I’ve changed in more ways than I ever thought possible, and I’m very grateful for that and all of the opportunities Wellesley has offered me to discover myself. I’m also very glad that I took so many opportunities to eat ice cream; none of those were a bad decision.


This weekend Anastasija and I have plans to head out to Truly’s again, and I’ve got to put the pedal to the medal to finish my research paper. I might buy a bag of Reese’s from CVS to snack on while I write; my snack supply has been running dangerously low lately.


Sending you joy!

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