The Penultimate Post of My First Year

Hello, blog! As you might be able to tell by the lateness of this post, it’s been quite a week.


Actually, that might not be true. This week really hasn’t been more of a week than any other week this year, but I think that when you add all of the weeks that came before this week to the equation, it’s no wonder so many of us are feeling so burnt out. Professor Kaliner literally started class today with a competition to see which one of us was the most tired; the winner ended up being Caroline, who had to get up at an ungodly hour for her final crew practice this morning.


Today marks ten days before I leave campus and officially finish my freshman year of college, which is still really weird to think about. I don’t think I’ve really processed it at all, but then again I don’t know if I’ve even really processed that I’m even in college yet. Oddly enough, the approaching end of the semester has made me start working on things that I’ve been trying to do since the beginning of the semester; in the past week I’ve started knitting again and I’ve spent some time finally practicing the guitar I brought with me. I think this might be a good sign about my habits this summer; at the end of last semester, I didn’t have the energy to do anything more than lie in bed and watch Criminal Minds in my spare time.


That all being said, I still have plenty to do before I can officially declare the year over! I’ve got about a third of a book to finish for Global Crime Fiction, and once that’s done I have to start working on my final paper, which should end up being around ten pages. I only have one short paper left for my First Year Writing Course, and I’m very grateful that Professor Kaliner decided to place our research paper in the middle of the course instead of at the end because I don’t know if I could do that right now. I’m still looking for a job this summer, but I think that since I’ll only have about two and a half months at home before I’m back up at Wellesley for RA training I might have to settle for doing some online freelance work. 


This weekend I have a full schedule; tonight Anastasija and I are going to get food from a place in the Ville (place TBD) and then eat dinner outside, which I’m really excited about. Tomorrow is senior hoop rolling, and I’ll be working the event as a Community Event Ambassador! It’s one of the most important traditions we have here at Wellesley, and I think it’ll be really cool to be able to be a part of putting it together and helping to celebrate the seniors here on campus. I have another event that I’ll be working on Sunday, and in between all of that I have the work for my Crime Fiction class to get done. I have one class meeting left with each of my classes next week, and then it’s onto finals! 


I sort of can’t believe that I only have one post left this year; I know I’ve said this a million times, but I really can’t even think about this year being over. Whether things will be going back to normal or not is definitely debatable, but there’s no doubt that things will be very different than this year, changes which I think will mostly be positive. 


The header image for this post is a picture of my First Year Writing Course that Professor Kaliner took a week or so ago; that course has probably been my favorite part of my first year at Wellesley so far, and I’ll make sure to talk a lot more about it in my post next week. 


Sending you joy!

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