Tag: classes


…and just like that, we’re back. Back at Wellesley where the sky is blue and professors are ready for you with their syllabi and readings. Hi there. It’s been a while. It’s been five weeks. The day I finished my final exam back in December, I packed up my things and by the following afternoon I was on a plane…

Reevaluation and Registration

Before I get to the more serious stuff, I thought I’d tell you about my halloween. I’m not the biggest fan of halloween — I haven’t ever really enjoyed it in the past, and didn’t think I would this year either. But I ended up going to the Rocky Horror Picture Show “viewing” on Wednesday and it was a lot…


It’s finals week! Yippee! I’m not being totally sarcastic either. Finals means that it’s almost time to be reunited with family and old friends, to take a breather and enjoy the break. For those of us that celebrate the holidays that fall around this time, doing so is awesome!  Okay, so the next month and a half will go sort…

Come Visit Me!

So I’m back from Spring Break – waaaah! Just kidding! Actually I’m feeling optimistic about the rest of the semester. There is much to be done – papers, projects, and tests as usual. Then there’s planning for the future. This week, I’ll start the processes of choosing my classes and dorm room for next year. It’s hitting me that I’m…

End Of An Era

It seems as though our volleyball season has finally come to an end. We defeated Clarkson in the first round of the NCAA tournament, but lost to Tufts last night in the Regional Semifinal. It's difficult for me to comprehend life without volleyball at this point because it has been a huge part of my life since I came to…

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