Tag: commuter rail

Avery holding a box full of freshly picked strawberries.

June Adventures!

Hey bloggies, (this is what I’ve decided I’m calling you now) welcome back to Avery’s super cool, second ever, blog post. I hope y’all had a spectacular June. I know I sure did! If I had describe this month in a song, I’d do so with this one:     With that being said, now I’m gonna share some more…

Image of two kittens, one brown and one black, lying down on top of colorful blankets surrounded by toys.

Restful Fall Break 🍁

Last week was fall break at Wellesley! If you don’t know what fall break is, it’s a long weekend every October at Wellesley where we have no classes on Monday and Tuesday in addition to the regular weekend. Students use it as an opportunity to rest, catch up on schoolwork, explore Boston, go to New York City or elsewhere along…

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