Tag: courses

STEM (classes I’ve taken) at Wellesley

Fall: Quantitative Reasoning (QR 140) with 20 people I took this class because I didn’t pass the quantitative reasoning test. As detailed in our website for QR, “Quantitative reasoning is required in virtually all academic fields, is used in most every profession, and is necessary for decision-making in everyday life. The Quantitative Reasoning Program is designed to ensure that Wellesley…

Course Selection Time

It’s hard to believe that the semester is half over! I feel like I only just started. But midterms are over, professors are talking about final projects, and Thanksgiving Break is approaching rapidly. Most excitingly, course selection time is coming up! With most of my major, minor, and distribution requirements taken care of, I have a lot of freedom in…

I am learning in Dakar!

In this post, I will be giving you a rundown of the classes I am have been taking here in Dakar. I am part of the Development Studies program where we study ideas about development specifically related to Africa. With this program, we discuss and dissect development (economic, social, political) in order to understand the challenges facing so-called developing countries.…

Paris (again!)

The one advice I would tell students at Wellesley and the incoming class of 2022 (!!!!welcome!!!), is to take the classes that you like and are most interested in. That’s what happened when I chose to take a class called Black Paris. Black Paris is class in the French department that focuses on postcolonial theory and particularly relating to Africans…

What I’m taking my last semester

Already we’re into February, and the first week of classes has breezed by. I’m taking three classes this semester: Biochemistry, Developmental Biology, and Game Theory. Plus, I have my senior thesis project at my Brigham and Woman’s Hospital lab still ongoing. Each day ticks closer to the April 27th thesis deadline, and already this week I have had two long…

Class Trip 2.0

This past Saturday, my peace and justice class took a trip to a community organization in Boston called DSNI. The Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (DSNI) is an organization that we had been studying in our class. The organization serves to advocate for the people of the Dudley Street neighborhood in Boston. The people in that community are mostly immigrants, people…

How this semester has changed my thinking

How this semester has changed my thinking Every time I sit down with a cup of tea, I can’t help but think about the conceptual metaphor AFFECTION IS WARMTH and, suddenly the gently steaming hot liquid feels like a hug and exactly what I need at that moment. When you are eating a piece of bread, you are eating wheat,…

Collective frazzled spirit

There’s a collective frazzled spirit on campus this week. The days leading up to a break are always a stressful time, and no matter how much anyone tries to avoid it, midterms and papers always seem to line up simultaneously. Personally, my weekend will be divided between a full lab report on the random vs. directed mutation hypothesis in the…

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