The time has come for me to say goodbye to Wellesley and the Admission Office, at least for the semester. I will be closing out August back home in New York, and come September, I will be in Greece! As excited as I am to go abroad, I need to wrap up everything at Wellesley (aka start and finish packing),…
Tag: fall

Restful Fall Break 🍁
Last week was fall break at Wellesley! If you don’t know what fall break is, it’s a long weekend every October at Wellesley where we have no classes on Monday and Tuesday in addition to the regular weekend. Students use it as an opportunity to rest, catch up on schoolwork, explore Boston, go to New York City or elsewhere along…

Sophomore Fall
This week, I’m updating on where I am academically as a Wellesley sophomore. Declaring your major is the major part (see what I did there) of sophomore year at Wellesley! At Wellesley, you can major, double major, or major and minor. If you plan to study abroad in your junior year, then as a sophomore you’d have to declare your…

Monday Night is the New Saturday Night
Hi all, Happy first week of October! Holy moly did September just fly by so quickly. The fall at Wellesley is one of the most beautiful times to see campus. The leaves start to turn to a pumpkin orange, and the campus feels like a fall wonderland. I am envious of everyone being able to experience it this semester! While…

You, too, can take a gap year!
Two years ago, I submitted my ED application to Wellesley, and the waiting began. I’d recently resolved not to bite my nails, so I counted down the days biting my lip instead. But regardless of the outcome five weeks later, I knew what I’d be doing the next fall: living with a host family in Ecuador. My gap year was…

Alpaca Adventuring
I don’t know what it was that possessed me to call up the Harvard Alpaca Ranch on the phone. It’s one of the odder conversations I’ve had recently, asking a stranger if I could come pet their alpacas. It turns out that alpacas are rather wary animals, not too keen on being petted but VERY keen on eating any and…
Our Campus is GORGEOUS!!!
Yesterday was THE prettiest day here. 65, sunny, perfect breeze, leaves changing, perfection. I just had to treat you to some eye candy to prove my point…I just realized I write about weather a lot – completely unintentional I swear. Me walking by Lake Waban Someone's adorable dog…we creeped on him. Ducks! The best color combination I have ever…