Tag: friends

A bowl of cheerios with some heart-shaped cheerios

A Day In My Life!

Hello Blog, This week, we’ll be doing a classic: a day in my life as a Wellesley student (senior spring edition!). As a minor disclaimer, I have chosen a particularly busy day, so just remember all days are different and most are not nearly as packed as this one. Something I’m really trying to prioritize this semester is fun with…

Vyara and several friends sitting in a classroom

The Science Center + Drag Race = Fun

Hi everyone! Things are settling into their normal rhythm here in Wellesley—homework never ends, deadlines are creeping behind every corner, and you need to pull out your google calendar to figure out if you can hang out with your friends during the day. There is something very soothing in that whole routine though that I missed when I was abroad,…

Tenzin wading in the ocean.

Rhode Islander for a Weekend

Happy Friday! Today, I will recap my past fall break in Rhode Island. Fall break is a long weekend here every October, with no classes on Monday for Indigenous Peoples’ Day and no classes the following day.  This fall break, I visited one of my childhood best friends at her school, the University of Rhode Island (URI). Saturday morning, I…

Avery holding a box full of freshly picked strawberries.

June Adventures!

Hey bloggies, (this is what I’ve decided I’m calling you now) welcome back to Avery’s super cool, second ever, blog post. I hope y’all had a spectacular June. I know I sure did! If I had describe this month in a song, I’d do so with this one:     With that being said, now I’m gonna share some more…

Summer life at Wellesley :)

During the summer, I’m working for the admission office as an Admission Summer Intern (ASI), which is really fun 🙂 I love the people at the office! My supervisors, my fellow ASIs, and I went candlepin bowling once, which is like normal bowling but with smaller balls and pins, (it’s, apparently, a New England thing). But what I especially LOVE…

Yewon takes a selfie in front of an empty room


Hello to whoever is reading this! My guess is you’re a student interested in applying to Wellesley College…in which case I am so excited that you are here reading my little post! My name is Yewon, and I immigrated to Hawaii from South Korea just before I turned five. I grew up in that warm, tropical place for pretty much…

Alpaca Adventuring

I don’t know what it was that possessed me to call up the Harvard Alpaca Ranch on the phone. It’s one of the odder conversations I’ve had recently, asking a stranger if I could come pet their alpacas. It turns out that alpacas are rather wary animals, not too keen on being petted but VERY keen on eating any and…

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